The contacts feature in Google allows you to manage all your contacts and then create a customized mail list. Once an entire year group has been imported you have the ability to create your own class list from the group list. This makes emailing your class, sharing documents and sites much easier as you only have to share resources with one email address.
The school only maintains the entire year group email list, staff are responsible for setting up and managing their class list.
Step 1: Download the six .csv files that have been emailed to you.Step 2: Follow the instruction on the videos below.
The school only maintains the entire year group email list, staff are responsible for setting up and managing their class list.
Step 1: Download the six .csv files that have been emailed to you.Step 2: Follow the instruction on the videos below.
Deleting old contacts - Importing new contacts groups - Renaming groups
Creating class mail list - emailing class groups
Creating class mail list - emailing class groups
Emailing and Sharing resources using contact groups.